Friday, March 28, 2008

Thank goodness it's Friday...except I'm working this weekend.

I rode my bike today. I'm struggling, finding an appealing alternative to running. It's been two years, or more, you'd think I would have come up with something before now.
For those of you who don't know what happened two years ago to make it so I couldn't run...I was climbing and landed kind of hard on my left ankle. I damaged the cartilage of my subtalar joint. That pretty much ended my hopes of running a marathon once in my life.
I've also considered getting back into swimming as an alternative to running. Either way, I've got to be more active than I am. It's getting on my nerves...
Work is going well. This may be the longest week I've had in the last few months, but I'm still kicking and it hasn't been as bad as some weeks I remember from the last time I worked the graveyard shift.
School is also going well. For once in my life I'm caught up with my homework and I'm preparing, beforehand, for my test in two weeks. It seems I've finally caught the vision.


Olivia Singleton said...

Thank you so much for your insight Scott! I truly do appreciate the time and effort you put into your response for me.

I'm sorry you have to work this weekend. But if it makes you feel any better, it's Saturday morning and I'm at work. Wow, I love my job.

I was taking a quick look at your blog about getting out of debt, and I'm quite impressed! If you ever need any help with a little financial planning, I'm more than willing! I didn't become an accountant with an emphasis in financial planning for nothing!

Olivia Singleton said...

Hey Scott! I'm more than willing to help you with a little financial planning! I'm really excited for the opportunity.

I made a personal spreadsheet that helps me know just how much money I have to spend every two weeks. I'll send you a copy of it, and we could start from there. Unfortunately I'm incredibly sick today and leaving work, but when I return tomorrow I'll send it to you first thing in the morning. (If you don't mind publishing your e-mail address that would help me a lot in sending it to you!)

Once again, thank you so much for your advice!

Sastep3 said...

Hope you feel better. My email is

Arati said...

Thanks Scott for dropping some comment in my blog.
I love blogging so much.It has become a vital part of my life.
Yes you are right all the people in the world are same, having same feelings of joy, sorrow, love , sacrifice and forgiveness.