Friday, March 28, 2008

Thank goodness it's Friday...except I'm working this weekend.

I rode my bike today. I'm struggling, finding an appealing alternative to running. It's been two years, or more, you'd think I would have come up with something before now.
For those of you who don't know what happened two years ago to make it so I couldn't run...I was climbing and landed kind of hard on my left ankle. I damaged the cartilage of my subtalar joint. That pretty much ended my hopes of running a marathon once in my life.
I've also considered getting back into swimming as an alternative to running. Either way, I've got to be more active than I am. It's getting on my nerves...
Work is going well. This may be the longest week I've had in the last few months, but I'm still kicking and it hasn't been as bad as some weeks I remember from the last time I worked the graveyard shift.
School is also going well. For once in my life I'm caught up with my homework and I'm preparing, beforehand, for my test in two weeks. It seems I've finally caught the vision.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I hate working the graveyard shift. The whole idea of going to bed just as the sun is coming up makes me depressed.
On the other hand, I love my job. And, the way things are set up at the moment I am encouraged to study. Not to mention the fact that we're only doing graveyard for another three or four weeks. I can make it.
School is good, but I've got to learn how to study. You might be surprised that I've gotten to this point without learning, but that's how it happened. The story is a little long, so if you want to know you'll have to ask me.
I'm excited for Spring and that's a good sign. All my life, to date, I've been more excited about winter coming on than summer. Now maybe I'll be a "year-round" kind of person.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Restless determination

I've found myself in a time of life where I'm anxious to get on with it. I'm in the process of getting out of debt and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm doing well in school and finally becoming excited about the idea of studying but with no end in sight. I'm trying to be an active member of Uncharted with little time or energy to do so.

This morning I came home from work at the lab with a desire to do something, but I've done nothing for so long that I don't know how to go about it. I've been a recluse for so long that I don't have anyone to ask to join me in doing whatever it is that I end up thinking I might want to do.

Quite a dilemma, I know. I am determined, however. It's the one thing I've always had going for me. I see people that give the impression of "living" and I am determined to join them. Hence, the blog.

I don't know what it is I'll end up doing, but I'm going to do it and maybe tomorrow I'll have something more than wishful thinking.